That was brilliant, Jonathan. A lilting and graceful parade of rhyming couplets that unfold in a protracted moment of terror, a terror many of us - and certainly ALL of my friends – feel. The indecision, the confusion, the equivocations, all perfectly tuned. Really, quite a tour de force, this. I hope, in spite of losing the country we loved and grew up in, you're doing ok. Living here in Umbria doesn’t settle the grief, but it certainly takes the edge off.

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Thanks, Glen, for such a thoughtful comment. Umbria sounds like a wonderful place to live after seeing your photos on FB--especially for the next four years!

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The world is not as we thought it would be. Up is down and vice versa. It’s 1984 and 2001 all at the same time. A Brave New World has come about and Soylent green is greening. I wish I knew how we could set the earth back on its correct axis (What is the plural of axis). I do believe we will survive the four years but don’t know how much as the world turns it will change our perspective and how the days of our lives will be different than what we imagined. After all the young and the rest of us are subjected to the emperor who wears no clothes. Cheers??

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