Jonathan, this chapter brought me to tears. You captured the essence of our day perfectly; our frustrations, our acceptance, and yes our surrender to the Camino and most importantly to God. I loved it! Thank you!

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This is great. I too agree, it’s only stuff, you can apply that to almost everything. Or, as my friend Bill Porter/Red Pine wrote in his book, Zen Baggage, “there is so much baggage we burden ourselves with over the years that keeps us from seeing things as they are. Some baggage we carry with us for a single thought, some for years, and some for lifetimes. But there isn’t one piece that isn’t our own creation.”

Also, I feel like Spanish people would say it’s only real paella IF it’s made in a giant pan.

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I love the quote in Zen Baggage. This is so accurate. Agreed about paella! Thanks, Nick, for sharing your thoughts. Best, Jonathan

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Thanks Jonathan for your heartfelt share. The beauty and quiet of the Camino invites such deep awareness and understanding. You can release and fill the space with love.

We have completed our Spanish camino and are back in the USA continuing our Camino.

Keep up the beautiful writing!



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